If you answer "yes" to just one of the following questions, you could benefit from the training and motivational tips a coach can provide.

1.  Even though you've been running for many years, have you recently become bored with your same old routine and found yourself lacking in motivation?

2.  Are you a new runner who reads every bit of information available but doesn't know quite how to apply what you're learning to your own situation?

3.  Are you considering making the leap from recreational to competitive runner?

4.  Do you want to move up to the next level of competition, from middle-of-the-pack racer to age group winner or even top local competitor?

5.  Are you planning on running your first marathon within the next year?

6.  Do you have specific time goals you'd like to achieve?  Such as breaking 5:00, 4:00 or 3:00 hours for the marathon, 50 minutes for the 10K or 20 minutes for 5K?

7.  Do you want to start running but not sure how to begin, or have you been away from running for a while and would like to get back?

(some questions from Road Runner Sports, Run Today)

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